Adopt a child for free

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Adopt a child for free

I decided to adopt my little baby - girl. So the foster system once I realized that there are 70K children in the county of Los Angeles, where I reside, who literally have nowhere to go. They are not just older children, there are lots of babies, siblings, white, Caucasian, Africa-American, Latino children. It's a big problem in the county of Los Angeles and I just wanted to literally be in front of my own door rather than go international. For me the benefit to go to a local adoption here in the county of Los Angeles, first of all, which frankly was not so much a deciding factor, but I think it needs to be mentioned. It was completely free, even the attorney was free. They would support you with money until the adoption is finalized even thereafter. But for me on a personal level was the real benefit that I just wanted to wake up and feel like making a difference in my own community. And the knowledge that there are so many children in need, and we are speaking healthy, beautiful children who deserve a chance in life. For me it was just a wonderful knowledge to know that I could make this benefit as much as this child is bringing so much happiness to myself.

View Susanne Bohnet's video on Deciding to adopt through fost/adopt...


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Susanne Bohnet

Media Finance Specialist

Susanne Bohnet is currently CEO of Serafini Pictures, a US based finance and production company. Ms. Bohnet was previously heading the U.S office of Equity Pictures (Equity Pictures has been the second largest film fund in Germany) where she initiated strategic partnerships with U.S producers, negotiated deals with financiers and talent, oversaw production and handled the day to day operations on behalf of the company.

Ms. Bohnet is also a regular speaker on entertainment panels, as well as on panels within the financial marketplace. Furthermore, she was invited to speak on the primetime CNBC evening news in the Middle East to discuss the demands of the growing international film industry.

Ms. Bohnet is a German native, who moved to Los Angeles approximately 10 years ago. She holds a master’s degree in Media Economics from the Cologne Media Academy; a BA in Film from her studies at the Tisch School of Film in New York City; and University of Communication in Dortmund, Germany.

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