Loss with adoption

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Loss with adoption

Loss is inherent in adoption for adoptees, birth parents and for adoptive parents. For adoptive parents it is important to remember that if you process your grief you will them be able to then open yourself up to the joys of adoption and parenthood. If you don't process your grief, it may come up for you at times that are unexpected. Your child may also feel that there is something between you that is preventing you from having as close of a bond you may have had. The first type of grief that you might feel if adoptive was not their first path to parenthood or what they tried to do such as infertility treatments, there maybe a lot of sadness around that. It is okay to have that sadness, and it important to feel it. It doesn't mean that you won't love our adoptive child any less. Once your adoptive child is in your home their will be other sources of grief. A lot of adoptive parents feel grief for the birth parents. They will also feel grief for the children's on losses around adoption. If you remember that anytime grief comes up for you to experience it\, talk about it, and to get through it. Model for your child how they to through their many losses and that they may feel that they to can express their grief and talk with you about it.

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Sheila Kamen, PsyD

Psychologist & Sex Therapist

Sheila Kamen works with individuals and couples in La Jolla, California.  She works with individuals and couples as a coach and therapist. She specializes in couples therapy, sex therapy, and relationship coaching. She also offers premarital and family building counseling. While she no longer works with children, she does help parents with issues related to children.  Sheila lives in San Diego. 

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