Adopting a foster child

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Adopting a foster child

The benefits to adopting an older child from the foster system, there are many hundreds of them, but the main one is that you know what you're gonna get. That kid is gonna either be not well or well. So in our case, our daughter is emotionally stable, and educationally stable, and neurologically stable and physically stable. She's a great, healthy, vital little girl. These children need homes. These children that from 2 to 8, 9, 10, all the way up to 18. But if you are being a parent for the first time, please consider an older child because they're wonderful and they're needy and they're reliant and they are just so hungry for a home and to be involved in a family and to have a family life. And it's a beautiful thing; it's the most beautiful thing to have this little girl with us right now. She is just so much a part of our family that it's kind of freaky that she's only been with us for a short time. The disadvantage to adopting infants is that you don't really know what you're going to get. These children are taken from their families for a reason. And generally if it's an infant, the infant has tested positive for some kind of chemical in their system. And they don't necessarily, you just don't know what you're gonna get with a little baby, you really don't. Obviously my daughter's healthy so she may have tested when she was an infant for something in her system, but she turned out to be a beautiful, healthy child. But some of the kids aren't so lucky. So be very mindful when you are considering an adoption from the foster system.

See Stacy Earl's video on Benefits of adopting older children...


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Stacy Earl

Adoptive Mom

Stacy Earl broke onto the music scene with RCA and her self-titled album, STACY EARL. The album delivered three top ten singles, “Love Me All Up,” “Romeo & Juliet” and “Slowly.” The first single, “Love Me All Up,” jumped 27 points on the Billboard Hot 100 in its second week on the chart. The follow-up, “Romeo And Juliet” was the most added single in America – a first ever for a new female artist. In Japan, the record was second only to Michael Jackson. With a multi-octave voice that transcends the merely technical, with a heart-stopping blend of youthful innocence and worldly sophistication, Stacy brings an unmistakable signature to every song she sings. The New York Daily News compared Stacy to Bessie Smith and Dinah Washington in her “breathy, understated style that projects a subdued, yet driving sensual energy that is always classy and never crude.” Interview Magazine described Stacy’s demeanor as “blissing out on R&B ballads, pop, and bubble-funk”. It called the debut album “optimistic and seductive”, and added that “Stacy Earl runs on smile power.”

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