Creating a screen time schedule with your kids

Learn the best methods for creating an effective screen time schedule with your child, with advice from Kelley King, Educational Consultant & Author
How to Create a Screen Time Schedule for Your Kids
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Creating a screen time schedule with your kids

As with so many things about parenting, it should be a collaborative relationship between the parent and the child to a degree. The parent should set expectations but work collaboratively with your child to set parameters on the use of electronics and media, cell phones, computer screen time, TV, that sort of thing. Those decisions don't best go over unilaterally. Talk to your child. Say, "I want you to set aside a certain amount of time for this and this. How might you like to structure this time. When do you want to do your homework? Do you want to have some downtime right after school to work on the computer or play a video game to sort of relax, or do you think it's better if we do that after you get your homework done?" Allow your child to participate in some decisions about how to set those parameters, and if they're successful with them, great. If they're not successful with them, if they play video games and don't do their homework as agreed upon, then the adult needs to say, "Okay, we tried that. It didn't work. I'm going to adjust that parameter now." Just so that it feels like kids have a say in some choices and won't have it imposed. There are some great parental controls on computers and on cell phones though that do allow parents to cut off access to that cell phone or that computer at certain times of the day

Learn the best methods for creating an effective screen time schedule with your child, with advice from Kelley King, Educational Consultant & Author


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Kelley King

Educational Consultant & Author

Kelley King has been a K-12 public school educator for over 25 years with work in the areas of school administration, gifted education and special education. Kelley is currently the Associate Director of the Gurian Institute and provides on-site and online workshops for parents and teachers internationally. Kelley is a co-author, with Michael Gurian and Kathy Stevens, of two books on education: Strategies for Teachings Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Elementary Educators and Strategies for Teaching Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Secondary Educators. Kelley finished her third book entitled Writing the Playbook, a guide for principals on creating schools that honor the unique strengths and characteristics of boys. Kelley is the mother of an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter.

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