The different facets of cyberbullying

Former Police Lieutenant, Joe Laramie, explains the different forms of cyber bullying.
The different facets of cyberbullying | Kids in the House
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The different facets of cyberbullying

The one thing to remember about cyber bullying and how it is happening to our kids is that it's not just bullying, sometimes it's just online abusive behavior. It's one person, doing it one time, that makes your kid feel really bad. That's not really bullying. That's just abusive behavior that takes place between kids. A lot of times, kids talk about it as "drama." The reason they don't say they are being cyber bullied is because being a bully to them has a connotation of someone who is weak. That's for those other kids, that I don't want to be. So, I'm not being bullied, no one would bully me, but it's just drama. So the drama that is taking place between these kids is happening in all forms. It's Facebook, cellphones, texting, whether it's the "like" button on Facebook. That effect is enormous as kids pile on to each other. One person says something mean and all the other kids start "liking" it and saying something worse.

Former Police Lieutenant, Joe Laramie, explains the different forms of cyber bullying.


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Lt. Joe Laramie

Former Police Lieutenant

In 2012 Lt. Joe Laramie (retired) formed Laramie Consulting, where he provides strategies and solutions for law enforcement and schools to address policy and training on a variety of technology and child exploration issues. He has 30 years of experience in the area of child protection, was certified Police Juvenile Specialist and taught D.A.R.E. for 15 years. From 2010-2011 he worked for the Missouri Attorney General as Adminstrator of Computer Forensics Lab, responsible for addressing online crimes against children, cyber bullying and human trafficking. In 2010, after 31 years of service he retired as a Lieutenant from the Glendale Police Department, where he was detached form 2003-2010 as Commander of the Missouri Interent Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force. During his time with MO ICAC he served the National ICAC Task Force Program as liaison to Interent Safety Organizaitons such as Netsmartz, iKeepSafe, and Web Wise Kids, and was a member of the Executive Committee. He is a nationally known speaker on the topic of online crimes against children, technology safety, and cyber bullying. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Bellevue University and is a 2004 graduate of the FBI National Academy.

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