Exposure and spread of HIV and AIDS

Pediatrician Lawrence Ross, MD Infectious Disease, discusses the prevalence of HIV and AIDS in the world today, how teens and children can acquire it, and what can be done to help prevent it from spreading
Exposure and Spread of HIV and AIDS in Teens
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Exposure and spread of HIV and AIDS

The question about AIDS and HIV infection is obviously very important throughout the world. In advanced counties in which public health efforts have really controlled and educated people, the risk has been lowered but it is not zero, even in the most wealthy countries in the world. And teenagers just like anyone can acquire AIDS if they are exposed either by injecting drug use or by having sex with an infected individual, particularly when what are called less safe sexual practices are used. In addition, if a baby may acquire it if the mother has not been recognized. So yes, HIV is out there, we still think about it, it is particularly a risk in those who have certain sexual practices. And the important thing now is to know your own status and be tested on a regular basis for whether or not you're infected.

Pediatrician Lawrence Ross, MD Infectious Disease, discusses the prevalence of HIV and AIDS in the world today, how teens and children can acquire it, and what can be done to help prevent it from spreading


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Lawrence Ross, MD

Pediatrician, Infectious Disease, Children's Hospital Los Angeles

Dr. Lawrence A. Ross is a pediatrician and expert in infectious diseases.  He has been a full-time member of the Division of Infectious Disease at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles since 1978 and has served as Hospital Infection Control Officer as well as the Chairperson of the Infection Control Committee for 20 years.  He is also a Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California.  Dr. Ross graduated from the University of Illinois and subsequently attended medical school at the Chicago Medical School in Chicago. He completed residency training in Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, followed by fellowships in Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the Los Angeles County/University of Southern California School of Medicine. From 1981-1985, Dr. Ross served as the coordinator of the intern and residency program at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. His areas of interest have included epidemiology of nosocomial infections as well as clinical aspects of care for patients with immune compromising diseases including patients with HIV infection. 

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