Why only 26% of adults know how to talk to kids about money

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Why only 26% of adults know how to talk to kids about money | Kids in the House
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Why only 26% of adults know how to talk to kids about money

I can't believe that only 26% of parents wanna talk to their kids about money or feel prepared to talk to their kids about money. More parents would rather talk about drugs or the birds and the bees than talk about money. It seems amazing to me. So why is this? I think number one, they don't really have the tools to do it. If you wanna talk about the birds and the bees, there's a book. Or if you wanna talk about other subjects, there seems to be a lot of resources. But when it comes to teaching kids about this stuff, there's just the tool set is not there for parents. The second thing is a lot of parents, I think, they think school's teaching them, and the schools think the parents are teaching them, and there's kind of this blame game as to who's teaching who. So because of this, parents really need to take it as a conversation that they have everyday with their kids. It needs to be a series of conversations. All these little teaching moments along the way, that's where they need to insert themselves and really make that the teaching moment. So when kids don't do their chores, that's a teaching moment. When kids are at the store and they're throwing a fit because they want a certain item in the store, that's a teaching moment. So just like you can't just talk to your kids about the birds and the bees once and you're done, or drugs once and you're done, financial literacy, teaching kids about money, those kinds of conversations have to be repeated every day. Every time you have that opportunity, you need to take it and teach them something.

See Gregg Murset, CFP's video on Why only 26% of adults know how to talk to kids about money...


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Gregg Murset, CFP

Founder & CEO, MyJobChart.com

Gregg Murset, CFP, is the father of six children, a Certified Financial Planner and the Founder and CEO of the fastest growing website, MyJobChart.com, which teaches kids about work and money.

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