Inspiring your children to financial health after financial disaster

Learn about: Inspiring your children to financial health after financial disaster from Gregg Murset, CFP,...
Inspiring your children to financial health after financial disaster | Kids in the House
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Inspiring your children to financial health after financial disaster

So, most parents have made financial mistakes and that's okay. Kids understand mistakes and we all go through that. Parents have racked up their credit cards, they've defaulted on a loan, they've done all these things that are, you know, mistakes. But I liken it to this: each summer, our family goes up to a lake and we go canoeing and we love to do it, we love to do it all as a family, we actually had all eight of us in a canoe at one time. And that could be a disaster, but we all row together. And that took some time to learn. If you don't row together and everybody's rowing their own direction, you can literally just go in circles and never make any progress. And that's the same thing with finance. If you are doing things that you know you shouldn't and making the same mistakes over and over, you're just gonna spin and spin and spin. But you've got to literally teach the whole family that they've got to row together, they've got to be going in the same direction. So if the kids want to do all these extravagant things that cost a lot of money but you don't have the money to do it, that's a problem. That's you rowing in one direction and they rowing in another direction and you're spinning in circles. But if you can all get on the same page and say, "Listen, we can't afford to do that, maybe this is a better option because it's a little less expensive," or, "Let's do this, this sounds fun," you can all start going in the same direction. Now, if you are a total disaster and you have to pull the canoe out of the water and push the reset button, that's okay too. Do it. Take the time to understand one another's needs and the income that you have so that you can really make some decisions as a family and all get going in the same direction. If you do that, you're gonna make some really good progress with your family when it comes to money.

Learn about: Inspiring your children to financial health after financial disaster from Gregg Murset, CFP,...


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Gregg Murset, CFP

Founder & CEO,

Gregg Murset, CFP, is the father of six children, a Certified Financial Planner and the Founder and CEO of the fastest growing website,, which teaches kids about work and money.

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