Video camera in the car to monitor driving teens

Kelley King, educational consultant and award winning author, discusses what technological tool she relies on to make sure that her teenagers are staying safe in the car.
Video camera in the car to monitor driving teens | Kids in the House
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Video camera in the car to monitor driving teens

Drive cams are those little cameras that record audio and video and there are cameras in cars for teen drivers. There's a lot of discussion about whether those are appropriate and whether those invade kids' privacy. I have an opinion about that. As a mom, myself, I believe that if I'm paying for the car, the gasoline, and the insurance, there should be no expectation on the part of my teenage children, to have privacy in the vehicle. Those drive cams are only triggered when something is happening in the car like hard breaking or sharp turning, so if something like that is happening in the car, as a parent, I feel like I have a right to know that. I would rather have my child be alive and to feel like their privacy was invaded, than potentially dead or injured from engaging in risky behaviors. A drive cam is like a way to install that frontal lobe in a child's brain, so when they are not thinking about regulating themselves, the drive cam provides that extra level of supervision.

Kelley King, educational consultant and award winning author, discusses what technological tool she relies on to make sure that her teenagers are staying safe in the car.


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Kelley King

Educational Consultant & Author

Kelley King has been a K-12 public school educator for over 25 years with work in the areas of school administration, gifted education and special education. Kelley is currently the Associate Director of the Gurian Institute and provides on-site and online workshops for parents and teachers internationally. Kelley is a co-author, with Michael Gurian and Kathy Stevens, of two books on education: Strategies for Teachings Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Elementary Educators and Strategies for Teaching Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Secondary Educators. Kelley finished her third book entitled Writing the Playbook, a guide for principals on creating schools that honor the unique strengths and characteristics of boys. Kelley is the mother of an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter.

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