How does diet affect acne

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How does diet affect acne

One of the most common question patients ask me is does diet cause acne? We don't believe that diet causes acne but in some patients it may be an aggravating factor. One myth that's been dispelled is that greasy food or chocolate causes acne. But there is a type of food that in a number of research studies has been linked to the worsening of acne and these are foods that are called high glycemic index foods. So foods like sweets and white carbohydrates, things like breads, rice and pasta, these are all foods that spike your blood sugar. And in certain studies and in certain populations around the world we've shown that they can trigger acne. On the opposite side, there are a couple of populations in the world, very remote, isolated population that have a zero percent rate of acne in their teens and it's been related back to diet. These groups of people eat a diet that we now call paleo. Basically, it's lean protein, tons of vegetables and fruits, maybe nuts and seeds but almost no high glycemic index food. What do I recommend to my patients? What can we do? Eat a balanced, healthy diet. Is your acne going to clear up? No. It may get a little bit better and we should all be eating a balance that doesn't have a lot of refined sugar and high glycemic index foods in it anyway for our overall health and wellness.
TEEN, Health and Development, Acne

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Shannon Humphrey


Dr. Shannon Humphrey is at the forefront of innovation in dermatology. Her active dermatology practice in Vancouver, British Columbia, is centered on the principle of using world-leading dermatological technologies and products to deliver healthy beautiful skin.

As the Director of Continuing Medical Education and Associate Clinical Professor in the Department of Dermatology and Skin Science at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Humphrey teaches in the undergraduate, post-graduate and CME dermatology programs and also established an acne and rosacea subspecialty clinic. In addition to treating patients, Dr. Humphrey is an active clinical trialist, serving as the principal investigator for numerous pivotal cosmetic clinical trials.

Dr. Humphrey is a regular voice in local and national media and is an active committee member with the American Academy of Dermatology, the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, the Women's Dermatologic Society, and the Canadian Dermatology Association.

A recognized expert in the use of soft tissue fillers and neuromodulators in particular, Dr. Humphrey is a frequent speaker and oft-published author on these topics with a continued focus on her personal passion for achieving natural-looking results.

Dr. Humphrey received her Bachelor of Science and MD with distinction from Dalhousie University, completed her dermatology residency at the University of British Columbia and is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and a Diplomate of the American Board of Dermatology.

Acne, Rashes and Skin Conditions
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