What schools can do to prevent bullying

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What schools can do to prevent bullying

There are a lot of misconceptions about what a school can really do to reduce the problem of bullying, but schools who do this well, do several things well. First, they have a culture that shows kids that we do not accept bullying behavior as a norm. They have teachers that train consistently and safe teachers that kids know they can go to whenever they are faced with a situation like bullying. So if a kid feels threatened or upset, they know exactly where to go. They have strategic placement of adults where bullying occurs, like recess or in the lunchroom, where supervision is leaner. They actually increase supervision and set tone where kids feel safe to do what's right. They encourage upstanding behavior. They encourage kids to feel like they are using their empathy to make other kids who need them. That creates more of a positive culture. It all works together. That's the kind of school we are all trying to achieve, so it's a place where they can learn and not have to worry about bullying.

See Joel Haber, PhD's video on What schools can do to prevent bullying...


Expert Bio

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Joel Haber, PhD

Psychologist, Bullying & Parenting Expert, Author

Dr. Joel Haber is a Clinical Psychologist and internationally recognized bully prevention and parenting expert. He was selected as a webinar leader and a speaker for the Obama Administration Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention initiative.  He was also an invited participant to the Second Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summit in 2011. His recent book, Bullyproof Your Child for Life: Protect Your Child from Teasing, Taunting and Bullying for Good set the bullying standard for schools, camps, sports, organizations and families dealing with bully prevention and intervention. He recently published The Resilience Formula: A Guide to Proactive, Not Reactive Parenting.  He is a consultant and expert to the American Camp Association, and to LG Electronics as a member of (LGTextEd.com), providing cyberbullying and mobile harassment expertise to parents and families. He is an advisor to Cartoon Network’s anti-bully campaign: Stop Bullying: Speak Up.  He is an expert for No Snap Judgments: The Addams Family Broadway Show- National Campaign to promote acceptance and tolerance amongst our youth. He is also co-founder of Tool Kits for Kids (toolkitsforkids.com), recipient of five national parenting awards for helping parents and kids develop the tools and emotional life skills to overcome worry, build confidence and develop resilience. He has written and published extensively, speaking each year to thousands of parents and educators to help make children’s lives, safer and better. 

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