Sensory Integration Disorder

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Sensory Integration Disorder

My son was about two years old when I suspected he had what is called Sensory integration Disorder. He was never formally diagnosed, but he was a very difficult baby. His whole first year, he cried most of the time, unless he was held. He had to sleep on his stomach. He couldn't sleep any other way, which meant not sleeping a car seat or a stroller. If he was held, he was pacified. If you changed him or changed his diaper, he cried every single time, until I learned to stroke him while I changed the diaper. When I was sharing this with a friend, she said that she had grandchildren that had these same issues. She gave me some tips. One that was hugely effective was having him sleep with heavy blankets and changing his clothes under the blankets in the morning. That made a difference in the lives of the entire family because he would cry every, single day for a half hour in the morning, once he was changed. Once I did that, he never cried in the morning anymore. As he got older and learned self-care, that was a big help because he was also a later speaker; which is also indicative of the condition. He did get speech therapy to learn how to communicate. Now that he is older, he's totally in control of how he feels and what he needs. It is not an issue anymore.

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Lisa Gonsalves, MA

Behavior Therapist

In her career in youth development, Lisa Gonsalves, MA, has served youth populations across the globe over the past 25 years. Her professional experience includes creating, developing, and administering a variety of programs, development systems, and methods for young people as coordinator, counselor, and instructor for ages four through 24.  The various youth populations she has served include school age children with behavioral or mental heath diagnoses, urban and rural at-risk adolescents, foreign students, gay youth, socio-economically underprivileged, and middle class youth. She has a master’s degree in Social Policy for Youth Services.

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