Resources for older children with autism

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Resources for older children with autism

The challenge for us when Jullian was getting older, we had a lot of great early intervention, sensory integration and behavior therapy and we got into all kinds of different strategies. As he was getting older, there were less and less resources. There tends to be more resources for the children who have Asperger's. Possibly because they are a little bit more typical. They have more language and they are a little bit more present than the classic child with Autism, which is what my son has. Some of those resources were a little bit harder to find. The best way that we found was to network and to find parents that were from that generation that was slightly ahead of us. Eventually, we found some and learned how to be creative and adapt and apply some other strategies the were not really being used for Autism. We instinctively felt, you know what? This is going to benefit him.

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Hyman Katz

Dad & Music Developer

Hyman Katz is happily married and the father of a 21-year old autistic son and a 14 year-old daughter. Hyman works in the music business as a brand and content developer.

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