The benefits of testing and diagnosis

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The benefits of testing and diagnosis | Kids in the House
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The benefits of testing and diagnosis

What's the benefit of having a child who might be having some learning issues diagnosed and tested, even High School or College or beyond? In my case, for my child, it was very important for her to learn what it was that was impairing her ability to function and process information. Once she learned that, it was very freeing for her. It allowed her to accept who she was, to move on, and do much better in school and in life, as a result. I would highly recommend, at any age, if you can get the diagnosis and the testing done; do it.

Watch Geoff Wells's video on The benefits of testing and diagnosis...


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Geoff Wells

Dad, Lawyer & Coach

Geoff Wells is a law partner at Greene Broillet & Wheeler in Santa Monica California. He is a graduate of the University of Washington class of 1981, and was a pitcher on the baseball team. He then went on to graduate from Pepperdine University School of Law in 1985. He has been a youth and travel ball baseball coach since 2003. He is married to Janet Ray and has two children, Morgan and Garrett.

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