Going out to restaurants with kids

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Going out to restaurants with kids | Kids in the House
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Going out to restaurants with kids

So at Red Tricycle, we like to write about taking your kids out to eat at nicer restaurants, fancier restaurants that maybe some of the diners don’t even want to see kids there. But we’re foodies and we’re going to continue to have that in our lives. So there’s just 3 quick tips if you’re taking your kids out to a nice restaurant. The first tip is, get there early. Most restaurants are happy to accommodate a group with small children, early 5-6:00 reservation, the restaurant’s not crowded, you’re not going to annoy other diners in the restaurant. So if you go to a good restaurant early, it probably won’t be a problem. The second tip is, most nice, fine dining restaurants don’t have crayons and sticker books and other accessories that you might need to keep your kids busy, and so if you are going to eat at a fine dining restaurant, bring what you need, whether it’s a sippy cup or crayons, or some sort of toys to keep your kids busy. And the third tip, which may seem counter-intuitive, but feed your kid before you get to the restaurant. Let them eat their chicken nugget or spaghetti, or whatever they want to eat at home. While you and your husband are having dinner, treat them to a dessert, they’ll be thrilled to sit there and be rewarded with an ice cream sundae or a piece of chocolate cake while you eat your meal, and you don’t have to worry about finding something on the menu for them to eat.

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Expert Bio

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Jacqui Boland

CEO & Founder of Red Tricycle

A 15-year media veteran, Jacqui helped launch a slew of media properties for Reed Elsevier, Meredith Corporation, Miller Publishing and San Francisco magazine. Prior to media, Jacqui worked in Public Relations and counted Ringling Bros Circus and Walt Disney’s World on Ice among her clients. Her start-up experience includes sflodgings.com (an airbnb predecessor) and Breathe, a yoga lifestyle company. When not running Red Tricycle, she helps manage her six-year-old’s growing lemonade stand empire.

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