Cord clamping and your birth plan
Pediatrician Alan Greene, MD, explains why it is necessary to include Optimal Cord Clamping in your birth plan if you want your umbilical cord clamping to be delayed
If you want Optimal Cord Clamping, you'll need to put it in your birth plan. In fact, you want to talk with your doctor or your midwife or your doula beforehand because some of them aren't even familiar with this concept. It became medical tradition in the 20th century to clamp immediately and whisk the baby away to do medical care. But the medical literature is very clear, there is no medical benefit from immediate clamping.
I'm taught as a physician, first do no harm, sadly the first thing doctors do is actually locking out babies from their birth right, of all these iron and oxygen and white blood cells and everything. 95% of babies around the world today are having the cord clamped immediately. In industrial countries, in developing countries, there'll be a quarter of a million babies born today, most of them will have the cord clamped immediately. If you want this for your child, and you do, ask your physician about it. And also, share it with your friends, spread the word. We can end this practice very quickly.
Pediatrician Alan Greene, MD, explains why it is necessary to include Optimal Cord Clamping in your birth plan if you want your umbilical cord clamping to be delayed
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Alan Greene, MDFounder,
Dr. Alan Greene founded his website,, in 1995, cited by the AMA as "the pioneer physician web site." In 2010 he founded the WhiteOut Now movement to change how babies are fed from their very first bite of solid food, and in 2012 he founded TICC TOCC – Transitioning Immediate Cord Clamping To Optimal Cord Clamping. He is an author of several books including Feeding Baby Green and appears frequently in the media including such venues as the The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, TODAY Show, Good Morning America, the Dr. Oz Show, and is a regular columnist for Parenting magazine. He is a practicing pediatrician and the father of four.
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