Vitamins and supplements for prenatal health

Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach Ling Wong, MS, CHC, explains the best vitamins and supplements to take during pregnancy for good prenatal health
Vitamins & Supplements For Prenatal Health
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Vitamins and supplements for prenatal health

In terms of vitamins and supplements, a good prenatal vitamin can be used as a good insurance policy and give you peace of mind. Look for one that contains between 600-800 milligrams of folic acid, which is important for the baby's nerve system development. Also, choline, which is a lessor known vitamin, is also important for the baby's brain development. If your supplement does not contain Omega 3 fatty acid in the form of DHA and EPA, you can supplement fish oil. DHA and EPA is important for the baby's brain and nervous system development. If you are suffering from morning sickness, you can take Vitamin B-6. However, if you do so, make sure that you have an abundance of other B vitamins and follow the recommended dosage.

Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach Ling Wong, MS, CHC, explains the best vitamins and supplements to take during pregnancy for good prenatal health


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Ling Wong, MS, CHC

Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach

Ling Wong, MS, CHHC, AADP, is the founder and director of Thoughts For Foods Holistic Health Coaching, and mother of a 21-month-old boy. She is a holistic nutrition and wellness coach specializing in preconception wellness, pre- and post-natal health, as well as mom-focused family nutrition. Ling holds a Master of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health and Professional Training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

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