What are the chances of needing cord blood?

Richard Jennings, President of Stem Cell Services, explains the likelihood that a child would need to use cord blood stem cells and why parents should bank their child's cord blood
What Are The Chances of Needing Cord Blood Later In LIfe
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What are the chances of needing cord blood?

I am often asked by new moms what is the likelihood that they would need to use cord blood stem cells or why they should bank cord blood in the first place. I site a study in 2008 that showed that the probability of use of stem cell is approximately 1 in 217, given the current utilization of approximately 80 different diseases with stem cell treatments. In 2008, there was a study showing the probability of use for stem cells being the approximately 1 in 217 for the current list of diseases. The current list of diseases is about 80 different diseases that stem cell is being used to treat. We see that the number of stem cells treatment each year is increasing because the number of diseases that stem cells are being used to treat is also increasing. If you look back, even for years, the number of diseases being treated with cord blood was only about 45, that number is now 80 and they predict that the number continues to increase as we go forward. So the likelihood that your baby would have the opportunity to use those stem cells is increasing every year.

Richard Jennings, President of Stem Cell Services, explains the likelihood that a child would need to use cord blood stem cells and why parents should bank their child's cord blood


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Richard D. Jennings

President, Stem Cell Services

Richard Jennings brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in the biomedical and healthcare fields to the California Cryobank Stem Cell business.  As president of the company, Richard has set the strategic vision which has resulted in tremendous growth of the FamilyCord business that provides cord blood and cord tissue services to pregnant moms. Prior to managing FamilyCord, Richard served as CEO of Mediscan Services, was an Administrator at Centinela Freeman Health System, and held a series of positions within the Child Care and Infant Care sectors of Kimberly-Clark. Richard Jennings earned an MBA from Harvard Business School, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering. He is also the father of two beautiful children. 

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