All about Lamaze childbirth

Obstetrician Gynecologist Lauren Hyman, MD, explains what the Lamaze childbirth techniques is, and how it focuses on the importance of natural child birth
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All about Lamaze childbirth

There are many different philosophies in educational classes that people use to navigate their way through childbirth education process and the Lamaze is one of those. Lamaze is a technique of childbirth that was developed by a French obstetrician in 1940. It was initially meant to be an alternative to medical intervention, but it is more of in to, more of a childbirth education philosophy. Women who subscribed to the Lamaze method take classes where they learn about stages of labor, child birth and breathing techniques to help the labor go more smoothly. Lamaze focuses on trying to avoid the interventions whenever possible and really tries to empower the woman and her partner to make decisions that are right for her. Hypnobirthing, Bradley, Lamaze, they're all natural method of child birth that really try to focus on the woman's ability to make decisions that are best for her and the baby and to avoid medical intervention whenever possible. It's important that your doctor or midwife knows your different philosophies and is able to work with you as far as respecting those philosophies. And, at the end of the day, it's important that you and your partner know that labor is very fluid and dynamic and you may change your mind about how you wanna go through your labor and that has to be acceptable as well.
PREGNANCY, Childbirth, Birth Methods

Obstetrician Gynecologist Lauren Hyman, MD, explains what the Lamaze childbirth techniques is, and how it focuses on the importance of natural child birth


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Lauren D. Hyman, MD

Obstetrician Gynecologist

Dr. Lauren Hyman is a board-certified obstetrician gynecologist. After receiving her ScB from Brown University and her medical degree from Yale University, Dr. Hyman returned to Southern California where she has been in private practice in the West Hills area for fifteen years. She can be seen weekly on Hallmark Channelʼs Home and Family Pregnancy Series and is a contributing writer on She lives with her husband and two children in Los Angeles.

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