According to the Centers for Disease Control, the United States experienced a record number of measles cases during 2014, with 644 cases from 27 separate states. In 2015, already 121 cases have been reported. This leaves parents asking the important question “Should I vaccinate my children?”
Kids In The House has interviewed many experts on this specific question so you have the information you need to make this important decision for your family. We recently partnered with The Pump Station & NurturyTM and are releasing a special segment from the upcoming Baby Care 101 DVD with advice from Wendy Haldeman and Corky Harvey on the decision to vaccinate your children. Below you will find this short video along with other important videos on vaccinations from our top medical experts.
Wendy Haldeman and Corky Harvey are co-founders of The Pump Station & NurturyTM with a combined 70 years of experience. They are lactation consultants who educate, guide and encourage parents as they learn to care for their baby.
Dr. Larry Ross is a pediatrician and expert in infectious diseases at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. He explains how herd immunity helps prevent the transmission of diseases such as measles, rubella, and whooping cough.
Dr. James Varga has been a pediatrician since 1977. He explains the effects vaccines have had throughout the past few decades.
Professor Leonardo Trasande is an associate professor at the NYU School of Medicine. He explains the research behind the vaccines and their suspected link to autism.
Dr. Lawrence Kagan is a pediatrician who has worked both at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles and Cedars Sinai Urgent Care. He explains vaccination schedules and why they are important.