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Stomach Discomfort In Infants: Causes And Solutions 

Stomach Discomfort In Infants

There's nothing as heartbreaking as seeing your little one squirm and fuss because of stomach discomfort. Tummy problems in infants can be worrying, making you want nothing but to soothe their tiny bodies and understand what's causing the distress. 

The good news is that stomach discomforts are common for babies and aren't a cause for serious alarm. There are many reasons why your baby might be experiencing tummy troubles. Luckily, you can address these issues with simple strategies. 

This article will outline the typical causes of infant stomach discomfort and provide gentle solutions to bring relief. Read on! 

  1. Gas Pains 

Gas pains are a common issue for babies as their tiny bodies learn to digest food properly. You may notice signs of discomfort like squirming, pulling up their legs, or passing more gas. Don't worry; there are simple solutions to ease gas troubles. They include the following:

  • Burping your baby: Burp your baby halfway through and 20-30 minutes after they finish feeding to help remove gas and aid digestion.

  • Appropriate feeding techniques: If you're bottle-feeding, ensure the nipple fills your baby's mouth to minimize air intake. Consider using an angled bottle design to prevent air bubbles. For breastfeeding moms, make sure your baby latches deeply to avoid swallowing air. 

In the case of bottle feeding, ensure that you do your due diligence to select the best baby formula for your little one's needs. For instance, if you want to purchase Baby's Only organic formula, ensure you read the Baby's Only review on different sources for in-depth analysis of various brands and compositions. Choosing the right formula is crucial for preventing stomach discomfort. 

  • Tummy time: Tummy time also allows trapped gas to escape gently. However, if the discomfort persists, reach out to your pediatrician for expert guidance. 

It's normal for your baby to have gas issues as their digestive system develops. Stay patient and try these tips. If discomfort persists, don't hesitate to reach out to your pediatrician.

  1. Gastroesophageal Reflux  

Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) occurs when your baby's stomach contents come back into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation like heartburn in adults. When this happens, you may notice frequent spit-up, arching of the back during feedings, and fussiness. 

In some cases, GER can progress to a more chronic condition called GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). While spit-up is normal for infants, excessive reflux causing discomfort or affecting weight gain may signal GERD. 

If you notice alarming symptoms like poor feeding, breathing issues, or spit-ups containing blood or green/yellow fluids, bring it up with your pediatrician. Simple strategies like keeping the baby upright after feedings, trying smaller, more frequent meals, or medication may help provide relief. 

  1. Food Sensitivity And Allergies 

Food allergies or sensitivities can also be the culprits behind your baby's stomach discomforts. While they're more common in formula-fed infants, they can also affect breastfed babies if the mother consumes food that the baby has a reaction to. Signs like fussiness, excessive gas, diarrhea, or blood in the stool may indicate food sensitivity. 

If you suspect food sensitivity, one of the main ways to address it is through dietary changes. For breastfeeding moms, your pediatrician may recommend eliminating potential food allergy triggers from your diet to see if it helps relieve your baby's symptoms. For formula-fed babies, your doctor can guide you in trying a different formula type. 

  1. Constipation  

Sometimes, the digestion issues babies face occur due to constipation. This happens when stool becomes hard and difficult to pass, causing abdominal discomfort. 

Note that every baby's bowel habits are different, so don't panic if your little one goes a day or two without a poop, as long as their stools are soft when they go. 

Here are some tips to help ease constipation: 

  • Watch your diet: If you're breastfeeding, consider if there are any foods you're eating that might be causing constipation for your baby. Talk to your pediatrician about any dietary adjustments you need to make. 

  • Massage your baby: A gentle massage can work wonders for constipation. Try moving your fingers clockwise in a circular motion on your baby's tummy, following the direction of their colon. The warmth can encourage bowel movements by relaxing the muscles. 

  • Consider warm baths: Letting your baby soak in a warm bath can also help relax their muscles for easier passage of stool. 

These simple techniques can help relieve your baby's stomach discomfort. But if constipation persists or your baby seems to get more uncomfortable, don't hesitate to consult your pediatrician.  

When To Seek Medical Attention  

While you can address most cases of stomach discomfort at home, it's vital to know when to seek prompt medical attention for your baby's stomach problems, more so for first-time parents. If your baby has any of the following symptoms, consider calling your pediatrician: 

  • Fever along with stomach discomfort 

  • Blood in the stool 

  • Persistent vomiting, especially if it's forceful 

  • Signs of dehydration like decreased urine output, dry mouth, or sunken soft spot

  • Severe and inconsistent crying that doesn't respond to soothing 

Your pediatrician will be able to evaluate if your baby needs medical care when they experience any of the above symptoms. Remember, you're not alone in this. Many parents have had similar experiences with their little ones and come out on the other side with healthier babies.  


Seeing your baby uncomfortable due to stomach discomfort, or anything else for that matter, can be challenging. But the good news is that there are many ways, as discussed in this article, to navigate it. Remember, you're your baby's best advocate. Trust your instincts, try the above solutions for your baby's discomfort, and don't hesitate to contact your pediatrician if you have concerns. They're there to guide you and ensure your little one gets the best care possible.