Getting past the guilt of postpartum depression

Dealing with guilt as part of postpartum depression can be challenging. Leave it to Katherine Stone, an expert in the field, to alleviate your worries and fears.
Getting past the guilt of postpartum depression | Kids in the House
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Getting past the guilt of postpartum depression

Guilt is one of those things that every mom who has had postpartum depression is going to have. And so I hate to sit here and give some sort of prescription for how to get rid of it magically. Because you can't really do that. So instead, I'd really like to talk about the fact that it's something you are going to feel. Your child is not going to feel it. Your child isn't going to have all the bad things happen that you might be imagining, and the reason that you have all that guilt. So I would say that the best thing to look at it realistically, to have a perspective on the fact that you feel guilty, and know it's how you are going to feel. But it doesn't mean that you are a bad mom. It doesn't mean that you done anything wrong. It does not mean that you've ruined your childs' life. And one day, believe it or not, you are not going to feel guilty any more. It just takes time.

Dealing with guilt as part of postpartum depression can be challenging. Leave it to Katherine Stone, an expert in the field, to alleviate your worries and fears.


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Katherine Stone

Parenting Columnist & Advocate

Katherine Stone is the founder and editor of Postpartum Progress, the world’s leading blog on postpartum depression, and a columnist for Disney’s She’s also the founder of Postpartum Progress Inc., a national nonprofit focused on vastly improving support for women with PPD. In 2012, Katherine was named one of the fiercest women in America as part of More magazine’s annual Fierce List. She also was listed among the most influential mom bloggers in 2011 and 2012 by Babble, and has been selected as a Health Hero by WebMD. Katherine has been featured by CNN, the Huffington Post, Yahoo, AOL, PBS, The Today Show, HLN, ABC News and the Washington Post, among others.

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