Vitamin K shot and other interventions

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Vitamin K shot and other interventions | Kids in the House
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Vitamin K shot and other interventions

I chose not to give my newborns the Vitamin K shots, antibacterial, and other eye creams, basically because they are not really necessary for a home birth. Midwives really know how to birth babies. Things like letting the umbilical cord pulse out, which means letting all of the brain go to the baby and not clamping it to soon. This will help the baby with the blood clotting which is why doctors like to give the Vitamin K shot. They are concerned about those things. The bacterial eye cream is for possible infection of the eye coming through the birth canal. There is a lot of natural, healthy flora in the vagina that will not harm the baby. All of these things, these interventions came into play when there were more hospital births. Midwives really know what they are doing. It's not really necessary to do those interventions.

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Stephanie Caspian

Preschool Director and Mom

Stephanie Caspian owns a child-directed preschool and daycare called Maple Tree where they practice nonviolent communication (NVC). She lives in Santa Monica with her husband and three boys. Stephanie is the president of the board of Manhattan Beach Nursery School and an assistant den leader for the Cub Scouts for Boy Scouts of America. Her spiritual practice is Nichiren Buddhism in the Soka Gakkai and she dedicates her spare time to the SGI-USA, an international organization that promotes peace, culture and education in the community.

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