Putting the pressure of motherhood in perspective

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Putting the pressure of motherhood in perspective | Kids in the House
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Putting the pressure of motherhood in perspective

I think we have a lot on our plates. I feel immense pressure from so many different facets of my life. People asking me to volunteer in the classroom, people wanting me to host play dates and cook dinner for somebody who just had a baby, and to do this, that and the other thing. There are moms who, every day are writing little notes on their kids' lunchboxes, people are preparing these beautiful Bento boxes for lunch while I'm like throwing in peanut butter and jelly at the last minute. There are so many ways that you can get wrapped up and really wanting to be the best parents for your child. But I think at the end of the day, if I've made my children feel loved and cherished, that's really my biggest goal. As long as I kiss them goodnight, tell them I love them and we've had a couple of moments throughout the day of really sweet, perfect moments even if they were preceded by screaming and fights, and door slamming. As long as we got to the really important stuff at least a couple of times a day, I think that's a success.

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Jill Smokler

Author & Owner, Scary Mommy

What started as an innocent on-line baby book to chronicle Jill Smokler’s stay-at-home days with her children, (Lily, 9, Ben, 7 and Evan, 5) quickly transformed into a vibrant community of parents, brought together by a common theme: Parenting doesn’t have to be perfect. Jill’s honest take on parenting has appeared in numerous publications and on television programs, including The Today ShowThe New York Times, Good Morning America, Nightline and CNN.

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