How building an arcade changed my son's life

George Monroy shares how building an arcade changed his son's life.
How building an arcade changed my son's life | Kids in the House
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How building an arcade changed my son's life

Caine built an arcade out of cardboard boxes that we use for shipping parts out of our auto parts store. And he used a little hoop, a basketball hoop that he had won at Shakey’s. So he started offering people a chance to play his basketball game for 25 cents. And from that he grew it until a whole arcade with tickets and prizes and everything. And then Nirvan Mullick made a short film about it, and his video went viral. It has about seven million views right now. So ever since his success and his business, his schoolwork has improved like 80%. His grades are way better, he’s not shy anymore, he doesn’t stutter anymore, and he’s very confident with himself, talking to adults, talking to strangers. And he’s come out of his shell 100%.

George Monroy shares how building an arcade changed his son's life.


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George Monroy

Father of Caine

George Monroy is the father of three sons and the owner of Smart Parts in East LA. His life changed dramatically when his son’s homemade arcade, Caine’s Arcade, was discovered and filmed, garnering over seven million views worldwide. 

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