Importance of individuating twins

Gina Osher, Parenting Coach & Blogger, shares advice for parents of twins on the importance of individuating twins and helping each one to form their own unique identity
Raising Twins | The Importance Of Individuating Twins
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Importance of individuating twins

One of the things I'm really most passionate about is helping parents of twins learn how to individuate their kids. I'm always surprised at how many people dress their kids exactly alike, do everything together and name their kids in rhyming names. While it's cute, it's not always good for your kids so you can do it in very small ways just by allowing them to have their own wardrobes even if they're both girls. Let one wear pink while the other one wants to wear green, it's fine; they don't both have to have the same outfits. Let them do different things. Try to find ways where kids can have their own classes, and their own time. Let them go and have different friends, have play dates alone without the other one. They don't always have to be invited to a birthday party together, if they both don't know the other child. Let other parents know that your kids are not the "Twins". They are, whatever their names are, they are 2 different people.

Gina Osher, Parenting Coach & Blogger, shares advice for parents of twins on the importance of individuating twins and helping each one to form their own unique identity


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Gina Osher

Twin Mom & Blogger

Gina Osher, the daughter of world-wandering hippies, is a former holistic healer turned parenting coach and mother of boy/girl twins. She is also the author of the blog, The Twin Coach in which she offers advice, bares her soul, works though her imperfect parenting moments and continues on her journey to be a more joyful parent. Gina is dedicated to helping others find both a deeper understanding of themselves and a stronger connection to the children they love.

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