How parental roles differ in same-sex relationships

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How parental roles differ in same-sex relationships | Kids in the House
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How parental roles differ in same-sex relationships

Even today, modern parenting, there is a lot of divisions of rules between the husband and the wife or the father and the mother. And in some ways, that makes it easier. The expectations are set. But in a same set household, I feel like you get sort of the burden of being both the mother and the father or at least that is the way it is in my house. We are not Ozzy and Harriet by any means and at the same time you are expected to be both. But when it comes to cooking or cleaning or playing ball or cuddling with my children, there is a burden of being a same sex parent and trying to overcompensate for the fact that there is no mother in the house. And so it is different. But it is great because I think that I get to be both a father and a mother to my children. And I think my dad would probably say that he grew up not knowing what it was like to snuggle with me in bed, and my mom would say I never played ball with my kid. But I get to do both and I think being a same sex parent by nature means you have to be a very well-rounded parent.

Watch Chris Rice's video on How parental roles differ in same-sex relationships...


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Chris Rice

Same Sex Parent

Chris Rice has two young children, ages two and three. He and his husband Joseph adopted their son and daughter - who are biological siblings - from the foster system. Chris works in real estate investment. Before becoming a dad, he enjoyed world travel. Now, the idea of dragging toddlers around the world makes him prefer reading about travel from the comfort of his own home. 

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