What to do when your ex has a different parentig style

Alan Yellin, PhD Psychologist & Marriage and Family Therapist, shares advice for divorced parents with different parenting styles on how to best co-exist in co-parenting
Co-Parenting Tips | When Your Ex Has A Different Parenting Style
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What to do when your ex has a different parentig style

Rules are almost always different in both houses. There´s two types of parenting post divorce. There is cooperative parenting where the parents sit down together and decide on bedtime and whether or not there should be soft drinks in the house and whether or not the kids can watch PG movies, etc. That´s cooperative parenting. And then there is also parallel parenting where essentially the parents do and have rules that are different in both houses. It´s interesting. The studies don´t indicate that parallel parenting is detrimental for the children unless one parent criticizes the parenting of the other. So clearly children can learn the rules for soccer are different than the rules of baseball. The rules at dad´s house are different than the rules at mom´s house. Children learn that and they can become resilient around that. We ask parents don´t criticize the other parent´s rules. There can often be more than one way to raise a family and unless the parent is doing something truly detrimental, you can explain to the child that´s the rule at mommy´s house or that´s the rule at daddy´s house. The rule here is different.
ALL PARENTS, Divorce, Co-Parenting

Alan Yellin, PhD Psychologist & Marriage and Family Therapist, shares advice for divorced parents with different parenting styles on how to best co-exist in co-parenting


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Alan Yellin, PhD


Dr. Alan Yellin is a licensed psychologist as well as licensed marriage and family therapist.  He has been in practice for over 30 years working with children, adolescents and adults. Dr. Yellin did his post-doctoral fellowship at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. In his practice, he sees children with learning problems, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, fears and social skills issues. Additionally, he has a sub-specialty in working with children from divorced families as well as helping parents deal more effectively with their divorce. Dr. Yellin’s practice also includes working with adolescents and adults with depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive issues as well as issues around life passages. Dr. Yellin believes that therapy works best when the client and therapist have a collaborative relationship as they explore thoughts and feelings and work towards solutions, and uses a combination of scientific data along with humor to help people achieve change. He is in a long-term happy marriage and has two grown children.

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