Logistics of being a foster parent

Learn about: Logistics of being a foster parent from Jeanne K. Pritzker,...
Logistics of being a foster parent | Kids in the House
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Logistics of being a foster parent

When you become a foster parent you will work with the agency that you have receive your training and certification from to find a foster child or children that would be a good match for your home, your temperament, and your own children if you have them. In terms of the length of the foster care stay, it is different for every child. The goal for foster care in our country today is to reunify foster children with their biological families so you may have a foster child anywhere from a couple of weeks to a couple of month to a number of years if there are problems with reunification.

Learn about: Logistics of being a foster parent from Jeanne K. Pritzker,...


Expert Bio

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Jeanne K. Pritzker

Founder, Foster Care Counts

Jeanne K. Pritzker is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Foster Care Counts, a California nonprofit corporation dedicated to improving the lives of current and former foster children.  A successful businesswoman, entrepreneur and philanthropist, Jeanne was educated at the University of Michigan (BA 1982, French and Psychology), Northwestern University (MBA 1986, Finance and Accounting) and the Chicago School of Professional Psychology (Psy.D. expected 2013, Clinical Psychology).Jeanne started her professional career in the finance world, where her experience included commercial lending, investment banking and entertainment finance. She went on to found and run Splurge, Inc., a producer of healthy snack foods, and The Bag Lady Inc., stimulating microfinance in Asia through importing straw bags made by tsunami victims.Her noteworthy academic and professional successes notwithstanding, Jeanne's greatest satisfaction has come from her personal and philanthropic activities. The proud mother of seven children (including one foster child), she is an outspoken advocate, and a matchless contributor and fundraiser, for foster care and social justice causes. Jeanne is a woman on a mission: to improve the foster care system and to help current and former foster children, as well as her own children, to lead happy, successful, and productive lives.

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