Respecting ethnic diversity in beauty

Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents on the importance of understanding the needs of all children, including proper hair and skin care
Parenting Tips | Respecting Ethnic Diversity In Beauty
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Respecting ethnic diversity in beauty

I think it's important for parents to understand the needs of their children, even if they are of a different ethnicity or race. That includes hair and skin care. For two reasons. First of all, you want to teach the child that the way that they are made, their skin or hair, whatever needs they have; are important enough to you for you to learn about them. You can empower them in their own needs. That is the second point. Eventually, they are going to have to learn to take care of their own skin and what better person to teach them, than their own parents.

Rory Hadley, Blogger & Mom, shares advice for parents on the importance of understanding the needs of all children, including proper hair and skin care


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Rory Hadley

Mom & Blogger

Rory is a wife, a blogger, and a transracial adoptive parent of an African American girl, who joined the family through domestic adoption in 2007 at a mere six days old. A self-described tomboy and computer geek, Rory had little knowledge regarding her own hair, not to mention no prior experience with the unique hair and skincare needs of children of African descent. Making it her mission to learn everything that she could, Rory started chronicling her experiences for other parents who have found find themselves in similar situations. Since the launch of her blog, Chocolate Hair / Vanilla Care in 2010, people from all over the world have been able to share in her journey as she demonstrates new hair styles, outlines step-by-step instructions, reviews products, and discusses the many aspects of what it means to be a transracial family in today's world. Rory hopes to continue exploring identity, respect, and empowerment, using hair as a common language.

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