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Kids in the House Tour

The greatest gift that a parent can give their child is to help them to understand what their hum is. The hum essentially is what they're born with. What is their emotional DNA? As a parent, I know I have four children, and each child emerged and was soothed a little bit differently. One of the things that's most essential from a parenting perspective is to be able to hear that hum within your child. What soothes them? What makes them smile? What makes them stop crying? Do they like to be rocked? Do they like to be walked? Do they like quiet? Do they like loud? Start to attend to what is your child responding to, so you begin to help them to define what works in their world, so you're continuing to help them to define how their hum is and then how it interacts with everybody else in their given world. Then they're able to meet with success.