When a baby removes their diaper in bed

Learn about: When a baby removes their diaper in bed from D'Lynda Kaplan,...
When a baby removes their diaper in bed | Kids in the House
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When a baby removes their diaper in bed

My twins, I think because there are two of them, decided to take their clothes off every night. Once I put them to bed, they would strip down. I didn't know it until about 3:00 in the morning when one of then would wake up crying, the bed wet, both naked; I didn't know what to do. I would tape it, they would figure that out. I would do the draw string, they figured out how to untie it. I didn't know what to do. It was driving me crazy. I, ultimately, got some of those zipper pajamas, cut the feet out, and flipped it around. They got it. They were really mad. They were old enough that they didn't like it, but that solved it. They quit taking off their clothes.

Learn about: When a baby removes their diaper in bed from D'Lynda Kaplan,...


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D'Lynda Kaplan

Say-It-Like-It-Is Mom

D’Lynda Kaplan is originally from Texas and has been living in Los Angeles for 15 years. Prior to motherhood, she worked for over a decade at Universal Music Group. She is the mother to four children all under 10 years of age - which means she has a very busy household. In fact, when it comes to hobbies, she only has time to do two things other than parenting: eat and exercise!

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