Tear-free weaning

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Tear-free weaning

I was able to create a very positive nursing/weaning experience with my child by involving her in the process. Making sure that she felt like it was part of her decision. We had two daughters that we did this successfully with; it was a two year old and a three year old. Basically, if you wait a little bit longer, when they are older, then they can make the choice along with you. You start by cutting back the sessions. You might nurse a baby about five times a day, with a two year old, it might be about two times a day. You cut that back all the way down to one. Then you talk about how it's time to not be like the baby in the family anymore. Not be like the little kid down the street who still needs to nurse, because your child is bigger and stronger from two or three years of nursing. You take the child out and buy them a special toy, that is going to be there, when they make the big decision. Let them know that you are always going to be there. They can cuddle with you, climb up in your arms, lay their heads on your breasts, if they need to. They will still feel that strong contact with you. You let them know, that it's their choice. You let them know, that they are going to get this prize the next day. You won't believe it, but the next day, they will be ready to give it up. She will be so proud of herself. Believe it or not, we did this with both children.

See Marni Ayers's video on Tear-free weaning...


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Marni Ayers

Eco Mom

Marni Ayers is a green-living advocate, writer and mother. She writes frequently about eco-conscious living and is the founder of LusciousPlanet.com Marni is also an award-winning playwright. Her plays have been produced in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and other cities across the U.S.

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