Entertaining older children while nursing

Learn about: Entertaining older children while nursing from Zoe Rogers,...
Entertaining older children while nursing | Kids in the House
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Entertaining older children while nursing

Trying to entertain an older sibling when you're nursing a baby can be really tricky and we had to come up with fun stuff for him to do at that time. I found that since I was nursing – in the beginning you're nursing every hour – that I was a bit of a captive audience for him, so I would make a whole stack of books for him and say, "Okay, let’s choose four books. It's time for your brother to eat again, what four books do you want to look at?" Or we'd color. We had gotten him a baby doll, so a lot of times he would bring the baby doll over and sneak the baby doll under his shirt and pretend to nurse his doll while I was nursing my younger son. But it was set aside as like a special time for him, instead of being an interference in his day where I was sort of withheld from him, he was able to draw next to me, read next to me and it became that special check in cuddle time while I was feeding my younger son.

Learn about: Entertaining older children while nursing from Zoe Rogers,...


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Zoe Rogers


Zoe Rogers lives in Santa Monica with her husband and two kids, ages six and two. 

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