Unexpected benefits of attachment parenting
Eco-Mom Marni Ayers explains the benefits of using the attachment parenting method with her family, and how she came to love the attachment parenting style after co-sleeping.
Deciding to do attachment-style parenting has had some really interesting benefits that I could have never foreseen.
I had no idea what attachment parenting really was. I thought it was going to mean my children were going to be attached to me 24/7 and were going to be dependent on me. I couldn't stand that thought.
We discovered attachment parenting because my husband could not envision the child sleeping anywhere but in our bed. That grew into us wearing the baby as often as we could, sleeping with the baby, nursing the baby for a long time. It became a way of life for us and, shockingly, what grew out of this was two children who were extremely independent.
Attachment parenting actually creates children who have no separation anxiety, who are completely ready to go when it's time, completely ready to transition into their own beds. It creates an attachment that is so wonderful and deep with your child, and, at the same time, creates a safety net for your child. They can now explore the rest of the world because they feel so safe with you, and they will become independent beings.
Eco-Mom Marni Ayers explains the benefits of using the attachment parenting method with her family, and how she came to love the attachment parenting style after co-sleeping.
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Marni AyersEco Mom
Marni Ayers is a green-living advocate, writer and mother. She writes frequently about eco-conscious living and is the founder of LusciousPlanet.com Marni is also an award-winning playwright. Her plays have been produced in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and other cities across the U.S.
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