Responding safely to online approaches

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Responding safely to online approaches | Kids in the House
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Responding safely to online approaches

The first thing for a child to consider when they are approached online is to make one simple determination. That determination is: Do I know this person in the real world? If I know the person in the real world, the next question is to ask: How do I know this person? If the answer is affirmative, then they can talk to them are make a decision of whether they want to talk to them. If they don't know this person, the best thing to do is not make speeches, not make drama, not make a moment out of it, not say something that is very snarky and clever and send this person on their way in a dramatic sense. Just ignore them. Don't encourage any contact, and most importantly, don't provide any information. A child sex offender online is looking for any sort of information that they can use to exploit the relationship in the future.

Watch Video: Responding safely to online approaches by Randall Devine, ...


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Randall Devine

FBI Agent

Randall Devine is a Special Agent with the FBI working in the Los Angeles area. 

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