Tips on preparing teens to learn how to drive

Mom Patty Robinson Smith explains how parents can lead by example for their young teenagers in order to prepare them to learn to drive later on.
Tips on preparing teens to learn how to drive | Kids in the House
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Tips on preparing teens to learn how to drive

The driving question. How do you prepare your teen to drive? You have to start when they are about 13 years old, here's where you put your hands, here's where the indicator light is, you look, you keep space between the car in front of you. You lead by example. Then when they get their learners permit, you let them drive as much as you can. It's quite a thing to drive with a teenage driver. You make their dad take them. You just need to make sure they know the rules, that there are no distractions, with the cell phone and the music. When you are in the car, you can't text, obviously, you keep your music at a low decibal or not at all. It's a really stressful thing teaching your teen to drive a car. Driving a car, it can be life and death.
TEEN, Responsibilities, Driving

Mom Patty Robinson Smith explains how parents can lead by example for their young teenagers in order to prepare them to learn to drive later on.


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Patty Robinson Smith

Mom of Teens

Patty Robinson Smith is a California native from Riverside. She is happily married to a former professional volleyball player, they have three sons together. Patty also has a twin brother. In her free time she enjoys the outdoors, playing beach volleyball and tennis. But most of all, Patty enjoys spending time with her family and being a mother.

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