Why teens are drawn to drama

Award-winning author, speaker, and psychologist Michael Bradley explains why teenagers in their developmental stages are drawn to drama and arguing. For more help on teenage rebellion, watch this video.
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Why teens are drawn to drama

Teenagers will tend to be a lot more crazy than kids of other ages although when they are get crazy with you , with the agitation in the yelling and so forth. It will remind you of something in the past when she was 2, because it turns out the teen brain goes through this renovation process nor logically. This is very much similar to what happened at age 2. Does the term terrible 2 has ever come to mind? It's much the same, their wiring is sort of discombobulated, they are putting all sorts of different functions together, they don't even hear that they are yelling. You'll be saying "Sweeties, please stop yelling" she says "I am not yelling at you". And you will get those responses she does not have the capability to hear herself. So understand she is sort of brain damage for a little bit and have that approach side step the anger stuff and just later feed back to her again is there another way we could talk out this issue without everybody getting angry. The key for the parent is to understand this is a brain challenge individual, they will come back. The wiring's wires in after a couple of years usually by 15 and they are much better able expressing themselves. A trick of mind is to paint the 2 year old face on that 12 year old monster screaming body and it helps me remember they have very much the same challenge and I don't take this personally.

Award-winning author, speaker, and psychologist Michael Bradley explains why teenagers in their developmental stages are drawn to drama and arguing. For more help on teenage rebellion, watch this video.


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Michael J. Bradley, EdD

Psychologist, Author & Speaker

Michael J. Bradley, EdD, award-winning author, has counseled adolescents and their parents for over 30 years and currently has a private practice in suburban Philadelphia. As a recognized specialist in adolescent behavior and parenting, Dr. Bradley is in demand as a speaker and facilitator for mental health professionals, educators, and parenting groups. He has appeared on over 400 radio and television shows, including CNN, The Today Show and Good Morning, America, and has been interviewed by numerous magazines and newspapers such as USA Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Parents Magazine. His website forum is a great source of advice and encouragement to parents.

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