Treating menstrual cramps with Chinese medicine

Mao Shing Ni, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine, shares advice on how Chinese medicine works to find the underlying issue behind menstrual cramps and the different ways it works to treat them
Chinese Medicinal Treatments For Menstrual Cramps
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Treating menstrual cramps with Chinese medicine

For teenage girls having menstrual cramps and problems with their periods, Chinese medicine is perfect for this. Instead of taking a pain killer or getting them on a birth control pills, what we do is trying to find out the underlying issue. In this case, there is a hormonal imbalance because it is the beginning of their menstrual history, if you will. What we do, is using acupuncture to relieve the pain and spasms and we'll recommend Chinese herbs, such as, Mother Wart, which is common and you kind find it in health food stores. You can take that to reduce cramping and, at the same time, it will reduce swelling. Then we will look at the diet aspect. If you eat a lot of sugar and don't eat your vegetables, you are going to have rougher periods. We bring in the whole perspective. In addition to that, we talk to them about emotions can emotions can also exacerbate their symptoms.

Mao Shing Ni, PhD Doctor of Chinese Medicine, shares advice on how Chinese medicine works to find the underlying issue behind menstrual cramps and the different ways it works to treat them


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Mao Shing Ni, LAc, DOM, PhD

Doctor of Chinese Medicine

Dr. Mao Shing Ni, also known as Dr. Mao, is a bestselling author, doctor of Chinese Medicine and an authority on integrative nutrition.  He practices with his associates at the Tao of Wellness in Santa Monica and Newport Beach, California, specializing in family medicine, women’s health and pediatrics. Dr. Mao is the co-founder of Yo San University in Los Angeles where he trains healthcare professionals in acupuncture and Chinese medicine.  He is a highly sought after speaker and has been featured in numerous media including the NY Times, Dr. Oz, The Doctors and PBS radio.  Dr. Mao writes as a Health Expert on Yahoo and Huffington Post.  For more information on his best-seller, Secrets of Self Healing, log onto

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