The stress of acne

See Jerry Weichman, PhD's video on The stress of acne...
The stress of acne | Kids in the House
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The stress of acne

If your kid has acne, there are a lot of things you can do. Number one, you have to identify that they are not the only one, because they feel like it in that situation. I remember what it felt like. Everybody gets it at some stage in the game. Secondly, give them the care that they need if it's affordable for you to help them; whether it's some Clearasil or going to the dermatologist. I think, outside of that, it's really imperative that you start focusing on what is positive in your kid. What you admire or appreciate about them and routinely, throughout the week, tell them, "Hey, I was just thinking that I admire that you do this," or "This is a great quality that you have." Your kids may sometimes be struggling. The only way they are really going to struggle is if they focus on all the things they don't like, rather than the things they do. If you can help them to do that; the more they hear that, the more the believe it. It becomes less of an issue the acne becomes overall. You've got to also tell kids, that if others don't see who they are and where you are going in their life; it is their loss. You should feel sorry for them.

See Jerry Weichman, PhD's video on The stress of acne...


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Jerry Weichman, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Jerry Weichman is a licensed psychologist and adolescent specialist as well as an author, speaker and parenting expert. His clinical practice at Hoag Hospital's Neurosciences Institute in Newport Beach, California provides a window on contemporary teen and pre-teen behavior.

“Dr. Jerry” as his adolescent patients call him, is a young PhD who really relates to teens, speaks their lingo and has felt their pain. Author of the teen survival guide, How to Deal, and noted media expert on teen issues, Dr. Jerry is focused on helping teens cope with parents, teachers, friends and academic pressure, communicating with them in a way they understand to help successfully navigate the dramas and pressures of adolescence.

Dr. Jerry's popular speeches, lectures and seminars have presented assemblies of students, teachers, parents and administrators with practical approaches on how today’s teens can overcome the trials and tribulations of growing up, from coping with bullying to meeting parental academic expectations to walking away from drugs and other self-destructive behaviors. Jerry also sits on the board of directors for the Bullying Prevention Initiative of California and just recently sat on an expert panel for a screening of the documentary Bully.

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