How competition can motivate your son

Kelley King, Educational Consultant & Author, shares advice for parents on how competition can help boys learn by making the learning exciting and offers methods for parents to make learning a competition for their son
Raising Boys | How Competition Can Motivate Your Son
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How competition can motivate your son

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Competition can really help by boys learn by making the learning exciting. Frankly, they may not really care about their spelling words or their multiplication facts but if we add an element of competition, all of a sudden it really gets their juices going and they really want to do well. They have to win even if they are beating themselves, beating their last time. My own son, getting him to study and do his homework when he was younger was really, really a struggle. We turned it into a game format. He would have all these physical challenges. Push ups or pull ups while trying to spell his word. We would have tickling games. We would have all kinds of challenges where we were sort of trying to beat each other. He loved the competition. He still did not love his spelling words or his multiplications facts, but it is kind of like putting a little teaspoon of sugar in with the medicine. It is something that he wanted to do that was really fun and engaging for him. It made homework for my son and I doing it together a lot of fun and that is not something that we, as parents, can usually say.

Kelley King, Educational Consultant & Author, shares advice for parents on how competition can help boys learn by making the learning exciting and offers methods for parents to make learning a competition for their son


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Kelley King

Educational Consultant & Author

Kelley King has been a K-12 public school educator for over 25 years with work in the areas of school administration, gifted education and special education. Kelley is currently the Associate Director of the Gurian Institute and provides on-site and online workshops for parents and teachers internationally. Kelley is a co-author, with Michael Gurian and Kathy Stevens, of two books on education: Strategies for Teachings Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Elementary Educators and Strategies for Teaching Boys and Girls: A Workbook for Secondary Educators. Kelley finished her third book entitled Writing the Playbook, a guide for principals on creating schools that honor the unique strengths and characteristics of boys. Kelley is the mother of an 18-year-old son and a 16-year-old daughter.

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