Dealing with judgment about unschooling your children

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Dealing with judgment about unschooling your children

When we started unschooling, we came up against a lot of judgment. In fact, we still do, especially from family members and people who are really invested in you kids’ life and really care about your kids. It’s been really hard. We lost friends at first – they’ve come back into our lives, they’re seeing that our kids are thriving. The main way I’ve dealt with the judgment is I’m constantly educating myself and learning and convincing myself that we’re taking the right path. I have a huge network of educators and teachers that I follow on Twitter. I’m reading. And it’s such a passion of mine that I’m feeling sure all the time in the face of the judgment. And it’s hard – we’re swimming upstream all the time, going against the flow, doing things different, living in an adult-centric society. It’s hard but it’s fun too, because I like knowing that I’m doing something that’s creating change maybe for the next person so that they’ll have the guts to do it.

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Amanda Enclade

Unschooling Mom

Amanda Enclade is passionate about progressive parenting and education. She helped her first son to leave high school in 10th grade to pursue a self-paced, interested-based course of study. He is now in college in NYC. Amanda calls this form of homeschooling “do-it-yourself education,” and continues to pursue this path with her seven and nine year old sons.

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