Will hiring a tutor help my child get into college?

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Will hiring a tutor help my child get into college? | Kids in the House
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Will hiring a tutor help my child get into college?

SAT and ACT tutor are, most definitely, worth it. Everyone else is gaming the system and there's no reason why your child should not either. That does not mean that you have to spend $1200 an hour, like one guy on my book tour charges. In fact, he charges more to go to the Hamptons. You can take an SAT or an ACT class or even just work out of a prep book with a tutor once a week or two or three weeks before the exam. As far as tutors in every academic subject, which is the trend in some parts of the country, even for good students, I don't believe that that's worth it. I think study groups are way better. They decrease the competition between kids. Every kid will feel good about him or herself sharing their strengths with other children.

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JD Rothman

Author, Blogger & College Pundit

JD Rothman, the author of the L.A. Times bestseller The Neurotic Parent's Guide to College Admissions, started her popular satirical blog TheNeuroticParent.com while on an eight-state college tour with her older son. She frequently appears on panels with admission officers, and blogs about the insanity of the college process for the Huffington Post. A former instructor of remedial freshman composition, Rothman's day job is as an Emmy-winning children's television writer, producer and lyricist, but she also has a famous blog satirizing the college admissions process, www.theneuroticparent.com. In 2012 the blog morphed into the LA Times Bestseller, "The Neurotic Parent's Guide to College Admissions." She grew up in Brooklyn, and resided in several Latin American countries before settling in Santa Monica, where she and her husband live in their emptying nest. She prepared for none of her careers in college.

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