First offenses vs. second offenses and college applications

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First offenses vs. second offenses and college applications

Students do sometimes get into trouble in high school. They are, after all, teenagers, and there is a tendency to do teenager-y kinds of things without thinking about the long-term ramifications of all of that. That doesn't mean that all is lost in terms of college applications. Colleges have fairly good tolerances for kids who make mistakes, own that mistake, and can talk about what they've learned from that. So a student who maybe gets in trouble for drinking, if they can explain to the college what was going on and how they've changed what they do so they have essentially grown from that experience, colleges are pretty tolerant of that. After all, they're not admitting choir boys. They're admitting teenagers who do all of the teenage kinds of mistakes. Colleges are less tolerant of the kinds of mistake that are potentially going to affect them at college. So colleges are less tolerant of academic honesty issues. So things like cheating and plagiarism. Colleges want to make sure that's not going to still happen in college. And if there is anything that might be potentially endangering other students. So if there are issues of violence or something like that in a teenager's history, colleges are a little bit more leery of that. And they'll need to be convinced by the student that really it's no longer a problem. But again, as long as kids can put it in a perspective of this is what I did, this is what I learned, and this is why it's not going to be a problem, then colleges are pretty comfortable with that.
TEEN, Education, Applying to College

See Robert K. Cooke, MEd's video on First offenses vs. second offenses and college applications...


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Robert K. Cooke, MEd

Upper School Director

Robert has been in K-12 education for thirty years; for sixteen years he was a high school history and social studies teacher, teaching subjects such as AP US History, Western Civilization, World History, Economics, and Anthropology. His school administrative career has been equally varied, serving as Director of Activities at a large public high school, and a Middle School Director and Upper School Director at independent (private) schools in the Midwest and California. Robert earned his Bachelor's Degree in History from Carleton College, and his Master's in Education from Claremont Graduate University. He is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS), the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS), and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). Robert has served on school accreditation teams in the Midwest and California. He has two children, one of whom is an acting and English Literature double major at a large urban university on the East Coast, while the other is a high school junior in Los Angeles.


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