How to comfort your child after a less than perfect performance
See Natalie Hawkins's video on How to comfort your child after a less than perfect performance...
For me it was always important to encourage my children after they didn't have a successful or the best competition that they could've had, I would not allow them to focus on the negative. I didn't want a negative picture to become implanted in their psyche. I wanted them to always remember what was possible and what they actually did before, so I would definitely show them videos that either I had taken or past previous videos where they had done beautifully or have done very well in a competition. I wanted success to still be what they saw instead of defeat. And so, for me after every competition, whether it was good or bad, we go out as a family and we celebrate. We celebrate not the results of the competition but we celebrate the courage that it took to compete in the first place. The results I really taught my kids are great but what's more important is the fact that you got up, you went out there and you competed. And so that's more important to me and so that's what I try to relay to my children, not to focus on the results. If you got great results, wonderful. If you got bad results there's always next time, but we're celebrating the fact that you went out there in the first place.
See Natalie Hawkins's video on How to comfort your child after a less than perfect performance...
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Natalie HawkinsMom & Manager
Natalie Hawkins is the mother of Gabrielle Douglas, 2012 Olympic All-Around Gold Medalist. Virginia Beach native and single mother of 4, Hawkins faced many struggles putting Gabrielle through Olympic training, giving up everything she had to see her daughter succeed. Hawkins allowed her daughter to leave their Virginia Beach home and close family bonds to pursue her dreams, train with Chow's Gymnastics in Iowa, and become the Olympian she is today. Hawkins has since been honored in the P&G “Thank You Moms” campaign.
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