How to be a great coach
Licensed psychologist and industry visionary Michael Gervais, PhD, explains the art of coaching and what coaching kids can bring into your life
Coaching is such a powerful role in people's lives. It takes up so much space. And the things that go into making a great coach are first being a really compassionate caring person that has a real interest in people growing. That's kind of the center of it.
And the art of coaching is very different than the science. So the science is like the Xs and Os of the technical skill that we're trying to teach somebody. But the art of coaching begins with really understanding the value of the person in front of you. And that art that high regard that a person has for another is at the center of great coaching. We believe that there are probably 2-3-4 seconds maybe between a performance outcome and a coachable moment. And in that 2-3-4 second time frame, we have the opportunity to either really destroy somebody's self-confidence or enhance it. We have an opportunity to really validate who they are as a person or berate them publicly.
That space between the expression of the outcome and what we're about to say to them is a really important space, because it really defines young minds, how they think about themselves taking the credibility from an adult voice. So the art of coaching and the presence of a coach in a person's life just can't be overstated.
And to really care about another human being in this process is at the center of being a great mentor, a great coach, a great parent, and a great teacher.
Licensed psychologist and industry visionary Michael Gervais, PhD, explains the art of coaching and what coaching kids can bring into your life
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Michael Gervais, PhDHigh Performance Psychologist
Dr. Michael Gervais, a licensed psychologist and industry visionary, is a founding partner of Pinnacle Performance Center. He focuses most of his time on people at the "top of their game," from NBA players, to Olympians, to military personnel. Dr. Gervais has a clear understanding of how performers become and consistently excel at a world-class level. Spending years in the trenches of high-stakes circumstances, Dr. Gervais has developed clarity for the tools that allow people to "thrive under pressure."
Dr. Gervais is a published, peer-reviewed author and a nationally recognized speaker on issues related to high performance for those who excel on the largest stages in the world.
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