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There comes that moment as a parent when you have to explain to your children why bad things happen in the world. And it's painful because we all know that the world is not fair, and it's not ordered. So it's very important to not expose children to the constant barrage from the news and from other TV. Turn off the TV. Turn off the radio and try to shield your child as much as possible from what's going on around. If your child has questions, answer their questions directly and simply.

How to Explain Terrorism

It's hard enough for adults to hear this kind of news, so one of the biggest things you could do is don't expose your children to the news. Let children know that we are here to protect them, that the police are, they are also to protect us. Focus on how the child can feel safe. Instead of saying why, I say what. What do we do now that this bad thing has happened? There's a great anecdote from Jewish tradition in which a man turns to God in terrible pain and says, "God, look at all this suffering and anguish. "Why didn't you send help?" And God looks at this man and responds, "I sent you." When there's bad things that happen in the world, remind your children that they are the instrument to bring good in the world.