When to seek an educational therapist

As an educational specialist herself, Kari Miller, PhD, BCET, helps parents find the right to to get professional help from an educational therapist if it becomes necessary.
When to seek an educational therapist | Kids in the House
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When to seek an educational therapist

Special needs kids often fall behind and tutors often don't know what to do about it. If your child has worked with a tutor and hasn't had much success, it might be a good time to start using educational therapy. If your child has lost hope. If your child doesn't play the game of school. If your child has given up. If your child thinks they are stupid and can never learn, it's a good time to think about educational therapy.

As an educational specialist herself, Kari Miller, PhD, BCET, helps parents find the right to to get professional help from an educational therapist if it becomes necessary.


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Kari Miller, PhD, BCET

Educational Specialist

Dr. Kari Miller, PhD, BCET is a board certified educational therapist and director of Miller Educational Excellence, an educational therapy center in Los Angeles, CA.  She educates students who have complicated learning needs due to issues such as attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities and autism.  She is the host of the popular Blogtalk radio show, Special Kid School Talk, which helps parents raise their special needs children to be academically successful.

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