What autism recovery means to me

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What autism recovery means to me

Recovery from Autism is a very personal thing. It could mean from getting your child to sleep through the night, getting your child potty trained. It could mean a lot of things for the child who is severely affected. For myself, I would like to see my child not meet the diagnostic criteria anymore, and we're really working toward that. He's getting really closer and closer every day. Again, recovery is very personal to each family as to what it means.

Watch Stephanie Rotondi's video on What autism recovery means to me...


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Stephanie Rotondi

Mom & Autism Advocate

Stephanie Rotondi is the program coordinator for Generation Rescue, an organization dedicated to autism treatment and recovery. As a mother to an autistic son, Max age six, she has a deep understanding of how research, treatment and support can benefit families living with autism. 

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