How diet and vitamin supplements can help autism
Watch Debi Cox's video on How diet and vitamin supplements can help autism...
The biggest difference we saw with the diet change was after we hired a DAN doctor, which stands for Defeat Austism Now. And a DAN doctor helps you come up with a protocol to eliminate the signs of autism. He recommended a gluten free, caisein free diet. And we saw a lot of change in eliminating gluten. He was a little less reactive and impulsive. And the supplementation that we added was 12 injections buffered Vitamin C, something called P5P, and calcium magnesium. And I think out of all of those the thing we noticed a difference was B-12 injections. After B-12 injections, we noticed that my son could focus more, that he had moments of calm, and his behavior really changed kind of in a drastic way after B-12 injections.
Watch Debi Cox's video on How diet and vitamin supplements can help autism...
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Debi CoxStay at Home Mom
Debi is a mom to two wonderful boys, ages seven and four. She lives in Culver City, CA and is a stay at home mom. Debi spends a good deal of her time caring for her seven year old high-functioning autistic son. She enjoys family time with her husband and boys, bike riding, yoga and swimming.
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